Baker Tilly Instructions

Baker Tilly Instructions

Microsoft Remote Desktop App: Access Guide

Before you can fully sign into the Virtual Desktop, you will need to setup/install a couple applications as well as your login credentials. Here is a list of items you will need.

Login Credentials
Baker Tilly Emailyour Baker Tilly email is your username.
Windows Password: You will receive an email the morning of your orientation with a temporary password.

Microsoft Authenticator
Small app you will install on your mobile phone. It is a two-step authentication process. You will get notifications to approve your account sign-in. 

Please follow these instructions to set up your Baker Tilly account:

  1. Browse out to on your laptop.
  2. Enter your Baker Tilly email address ( and your temporary Windows password
  3. You will be prompted ‘More information required’, click ‘Next’ until you see the QR code screen
    Graphical user interface, application, TeamsDescription automatically generated

On your phone, add a ‘Work or school account’ and make sure to tap on the ‘Scan QR code’ popup and scan the code that shows on your laptop

  1. Keep following the instructions as told by the website until you see this screen both on your phone and laptop


Microsoft Remote Desktop App 
The Microsoft RD App needs to be installed in order to access the BakerTilly VDI. The link below will direct you to the site to install the proper version of the app based on your operating system. 

  1. Download and run the installer appropriate for your operating system.
  1. The installer is found here: 

  1. Once installed, open the application, and click Subscribe.
    Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated
  2. Enter your Baker Tilly email address and click Next.
  1. BakerTilly Email Address:
  1. You will be asked to approve the sign in on your phone using the Microsoft Authenticator.
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