Cohen Horizon Instructions

Cohen Horizon Instructions





Using the Web Client 


  1. Connect to the VPN using the Cohen VPN Credentials 
  2. Open a browser and visit hiips:// 
  1. Select the “VMWare Horizon HTML Access” Option 
  1. Enter your Cohen username (portion of email before the @) and your Cohen password. Click Login 


  1. In the “Next Code” box enter the number 1 and press continue. 
  1. You will now get a message via DUO Mobile on your mobile device to approve or deny the connection 
  1. Click on the “GlobantDeskop” Image 
  1. This will launch your VDI instance inside the browser. 
  2. If you would like to span multiple screens complete the following: 
  1. Click on the slider on the left of the screen: 


  1. Click on Open Menu and then on Multiple Monitor: 


  1. Click on Add Display 


  1. Follow the onscreen instructions. 
  1. To log off your session, do not log off from Windows, it must be completed from VMware Horizon 

a. Click on the slider, click on open menu, click on log out 



Using the Think Client 


Installing the Think Client: 

  1. Visit hiips:// and click on “Install VMware Horizon Client” 
  1. Install the client for the appropriate OS from the VMware Downloads site 


Using the Thick Client 

  1. Launch the Thick client and click on add server 


  1. Enter as the server and click connect 


  1. Enter your Cohen username and password and press login 
  1. Enter 1 in the next code and approve the MFA in DUP Mobile 

Group Shape To Imagea.  


  1. Click on the GlobantDesktop 
  1. If you want to change the multiple display settings do the following: 
  1. Right click on GlobantDesktop, Go to Display and change the monitor selection 


  1. To make a “default” change, right click on GlobantDesktop, click on settings and make changes 



Windows 10    





The instructions below are tested on Mac OS 10.7.3 (Lion). 

Open System Preferences > Network from Mac applications menu. Click the "+" button to create a new service, then select VPN as the interface type, and choose L2TP over IPsec from the pulldown menu. 

  1. Server Address: Enter the 
  2. Account Name: Enter your Cohen email 




Click Authentication Settings and provide the following information: 

  1. User Authentication > Password: User Cohen VPN password  Machine Authentication > Shared Secret: Enter t6M5BFm7sLS4Y3y!




Click OK to go back to the main VPN settings page, then click Advanced and enable the Send all traffic over VPN connection option. 

Group Shape To Image


Windows 10 

Open Start Menu > Search "VPN" > Click Change virtual private networks (VPN) 





From the VPN settings page, click Add a VPN connection





In the Add a VPN connection dialog: 

  1. VPN provider: Set to Windows (built-in) 
  2. Connection name: This can be anything you want to name this connection, for example, "Cohen VPN." 
  3. Server name or address: Enter the 
  4. VPN type: Select L2TP/IPsec with pre-shared key 
  5. User name and Password: optional Press Save. 





After the VPN connection has been created, click Change adapter options under Related settings

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated 

 Right-click on the VPN Connection from the list of adapters and click Properties


In the Security tab, select "Require encryption (disconnect if sever declines)" under Data encryption

Then, select "Allow these protocols" under Authentication. From the list of protocols, check "Unencrypted password (PAP)", and uncheck all other options. 



Click on "Advanced settings"   

Group Shape To ImageDespite the name "Unencrypted PAP", the client's password is sent encrypted over an IPsec tunnel between the client device and the MX. The password is fully secure and never sent in clear text over either the WAN or the LAN. 


In Advanced Properties dialog box, choose "Use preshared key for authentication" and t6M5BFm7sLS4Y3y! 


Back at the Network Connections window, right-click on the VPN connection and click Connect / Disconnect



Find your VPN profile and click Connect


Enter your Cohen VPN user name and password. 

Click OK. 



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